As a brand Designer I have come across many strategies for personalizing a brand and making them feel authentic. One of the best ones is Brand archetypes.
Brand archetypes are one of my all-time favorite ways to create a solid foundation for any brand strategy. In this post, I’m going to give you the scoop on what brand archetypes are, a little bit about their history, and why they’re so important.
And don’t worry, my friend – in future posts, we’ll dig deep into each individual archetype, talk about how to choose the ones that are right for your business, and explore how you can use them to create messaging, branding, and marketing that will really resonate with your clients.
So, let’s get started!
What exactly are brand archetypes, anyway?
Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Gaby, what in the world are brand archetypes?” Well, let me tell you, they’re a game changer when it comes to creating a cohesive and effective brand.
Think of them like characters – these personality types have been around since the beginning of time and appear in all sorts of stories, from books to movies and beyond.
They’re universally recognized and are part of our collective unconscious. And each archetype has its own set of core desires and fears that resonate with us on a deep level.
Archetypes are a powerful storytelling device because they tap into fundamental structures of the human psyche, helping us anticipate the actions and behaviors that characters (or archetypes) will take. And when it comes to branding, understanding and utilizing archetypes can be a game-changer.
It’s worth noting that Carl Jung was the creator of archetypes based on his work on the human psyche. In fact, most brand strategists and businesses still use the 12 Jungian archetypes as the basis for their branding efforts.
So, while you may be wondering what any of this has to do with branding, trust me – we’re just scratching the surface of what’s possible when you tap into the power of brand archetypes. Stay tuned, friends – we’ve got a lot more to explore!
Let’s break them down
Think of brand archetypes as personalities for your brand. By identifying which archetype best aligns with your brand values and messaging, you can create a brand that speaks to your ideal audience and resonates with them on a deeper level.

So let’s dive into the 12 different brand archetypes and what they represent:
The Innocent: This archetype represents purity, optimism, and simplicity. Think of brands like Dove or Coca-Cola.
The Explorer: This archetype represents adventure, freedom, and discovery. Think of brands like Patagonia or Jeep.
The Sage: This archetype represents wisdom, knowledge, and expertise. Think of brands like Google or Harvard.
The Hero: This archetype represents bravery, courage, and resilience. Think of brands like Nike or Red Bull.
The Outlaw: This archetype represents rebellion, individuality, and nonconformity. Think of brands like Harley Davidson or Diesel.
The Magician: This archetype represents transformation, empowerment, and creativity. Think of brands like Disney or Polaroid.
The Regular Guy/Girl: This archetype represents authenticity, relatability, and simplicity. Think of brands like IKEA or Wendy’s.
The Lover: This archetype represents passion, sensuality, and intimacy. Think of brands like Victoria’s Secret or Godiva.
The Jester: This archetype represents humor, playfulness, and spontaneity. Think of brands like Geico or M&M’s.
The Caregiver: This archetype represents compassion, nurturing, and empathy. Think of brands like Johnson & Johnson or UNICEF.
The Creator: This archetype represents innovation, imagination, and originality. Think of brands like Adobe or LEGO.
The Ruler: This archetype represents power, control, and authority. Think of brands like Mercedes-Benz or Rolex.
Now, it’s important to remember that your brand doesn’t have to fit neatly into just one archetype. In fact, most successful brands will embody aspects of multiple archetypes.
So, which brand archetype resonates with you and your brand? Take some time to really think about it, and then start incorporating it into your messaging, visuals, and overall brand strategy.
I hope this has been helpful in understanding the power of brand archetypes. As always, I’m here to support you on your branding journey!
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